How To Hide Speaker Wires?

You can hide your speaker wires by employing some DIY techniques or getting some equipment that will conceal or camouflage your speaker wires.

Hide Speaker Wires

Hiding speaker wires will help improve the ambiance of your living room, or wherever you choose to input a surround-sound system. Wires can cause accidents when people accidentally trip over them, and_ they make cleaning and painting much more difficult to accomplish. Here is a list of some advisable techniques to use while installing that theatre system.

The Best Ways to Hide Speaker Wires

Passing them through the wall/ceiling: This technique is common_but it can be difficult to achieve. Drilling holes through the wall may not be ideal for some; drilling bricks or concrete will be much harder than drilling through wood. There are a few ways you can achieve this: 

Using existing holes: You may decide to smuggle the wires through these spaces to hide them if your home has small duct work for venting or air conditioning.

Hire a professional: When installing speakers and wiring in your walls or ceiling, it is highly recommended to engage specialists as these tasks require some installation knowledge. Hiring a professional ensures that the job is done well, and at a fair price as opposed to trying it out yourself.

Do it yourself: If you are a professional at mending wiring and electrical components, then; you can get by without any assistance. It will be easier for you to drill the holes, pass them through the ceiling or walls and connect them to the respective ports.

Use flat wiring: Flat wires are heavy-duty wires that stick on any surface they are placed. Here are some advantages of flat wires:  

 They are hard to notice even in plain sight.  They are easy to install; compared to drilling installations.  They are lightweight and are as flat as ribbons. They can be painted over easily.

Install Cable tracks or covers: Cable covers/raceways/tracks are insulated materials(made of PVC)used to cover household wiring. It is a preferable way to hide your speaker wires. You can install these races at the lower or upper ends of the walls to avoid visibility and improve your home decor.

Using your  Home Decor: Hiding your speaker wires behind your current decor is the cheapest way to choose. Here are some ways to use your existing layout to hide wires:

If you use wallpaper, you may decide to hide the wires behind it or use another poster to cover it.  You may also choose to hide them beneath your rugs or carpets i. e if they run along the floor.  If you use a floorboard; running them beneath or in-between the boards may be a solid idea. Then you could properly cover them with your rugs(if you use ones that are wide enough).

Camouflage the wires: So far, we have mainly talked about shielding or covering the cables. However, there are some effective ways to hide your speakers without covering them with anything at all.  

Painting: One of the simplest ways to keep the speaker wires out of sight is to paint over them. You must be cautious. Make sure that the paint on the wires and the walls looks the same. It may take some time to achieve this but it is worth it. It is best to properly arrange the wires, using hooks or drilling before painting.

Light strips: Light strips give your home an appealing color, but they can also be used to conceal your speaker wires. Hanging the cables next to these light strips with hooks, or tape is a good way to consider. But you must avoid entangling the speaker wires with the light strips.

Buy Wireless Speakers: The best way to hide speaker wires may be to not have them at all. Wireless speakers are a choice to consider. They are portable, easy to install, and do not require as much maintenance as cabled speakers.


Having wires spilled across your room can be an eyesore. But, most times you just can’t do without them. This is why you must choose the best technique to hide your speaker wires according to preferences and living style. 

Is it advisable to hang my speaker on the wall?

Of course. Hanging your speaker depends on you. It may even be the best way to go(if the speaker is small enough to hang on a wall). It will give more living space. But, ensure you hang them properly, without blocking the audio from coming out.

Where should I place my speaker?

The best location for your speaker will be where you get optimum sound. However, you would not know until you test it. That said, placing your speaker at or near a corner or edge in your home is a safe bet. Placing them on each side of the source/TV is also a solid choice.

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