To hack WiFi is easier as compared to hacking a computer system. Since WiFi is a wireless connection that is accessible to anyone who is within the router’s radius, which is why it makes them prone to attacks. 

However, if a WiFi connection has no password, you need not go through the hacking process. To gain access to Wifi, you need first to crack the password. For that, you need certain tools & software. Also, the network which you’re going to use to hack needs a higher speed than the targeted network since there will be a lot of transfer of data.

Here is a list of various tools to hack Wifi such as

Kismet – It detects both perceptible and unseeable wireless networks.  Aircrack- It cracks WEP and is designed to assess network security. Webdecrypt- It uses its keyword generator and executes a packet filter to hack Wifi passwords. Cain and Abel software- It is one of the best hacking software that can be used beyond just hacking WiFi. Once downloaded, you can use the Cracker Function of Cain to get into the router.  Wifite is the easiest tool to crack Wifi.

Breaking the WiFi web

First of all, you need a device to hack. You can use a mobile or laptop but a laptop or computer is usually recommended since it is more efficient & easier to run the software installation. You also need to be close to the router 

To hack WiFi using Cain & Able software

Step1: Download the Cain & Able tool and install it on your PC.

Step2: On screen, you will find the Decoder option and then click on it.

Step3: You will see the option of Wireless password after clicking the decoder option.

Step4: Click on the button that shows the “+” sign. 

Step4: The list of passwords will be shown to you. It will also show the SSD, password operated, etc. 

To hack WiFi without Software

This will work on Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11. 

Type Cmd in your windows & press enter or type windows+rType “netsh wlan show network mode=bssid”. This command will portray all the wifi networks in your area. Type “netsh wlan show network mode=wifi name”. Eg-” netsh wlan show network mode=KukuWifi’s & try connecting to that Wifi.

Well, the above steps are simple and efficient to hack via a windows desktop or a laptop.

To hack via Android, you need to download & install “bcom” & run the APK file. If the process crashes again & again, then your device is not able to support it. The device must be bcm4329 or bcm4330. 

A list of device that supports it is Galaxy ACE, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, Desire HD, etcYou can also download the Wifi WPS WPA tester app but it will work algorithms via a MAC address.  Linux is the most common platform that hackers usually use to access a wifi network.

Is Hacking ethical?

If the purpose of hacking is to gain access to solve a crime or to find a piece of valuable information, then it can be justified to be legal. But only if it is done by professionals who are authorized to do so. 

But people these days, hack a system to invade privacy or gain access to certain private data which is unethical and illegal.


Hacking involves a lot of processing. This might lead to overload and the hack may fail. If the network’s wifi that you wish to crack is far away from your system, then this will result in periodic shutdowns & a lot of lagging.

Always remember that an Intrusion detection system will detect unauthorized access. This may lead to a severe situation where the hacker might get caught & put under judicial trial since hacking is considered illegal.

What is a WPS?

It stands for Wifi Protected Setup. It is used to secure your network & connect to a wireless network. 

Can I protect my device from hacking?

Yes. Choose a very complex password, disable WPS & also use a detector so that you get a notification in case of any unauthorized access.

How will I know if my device or a system is hacked?

Unnecessary apps will be downloaded by themselves and your system’s battery is low suddenly. There are frequent pop-ups & suspiciously lagging.  

Can I find my hacker?

If the hacker is using VPN, then it will be difficult to find your exact location as the IP address of a different region. But if you take some help from Pro hackers then they might help you find the culprit.