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Start Small

Follow Your Passion

Don’t choose products just because they showed up on a list of the most profitable eCommerce products to sell. Well, if you’re passionate about those products, go for it. Just don’t let profitability be the only reason you choose to sell something. The more excited and passionate you are about your products, the easier it will be for you to market and promote those products. Plus, there’s a good chance that you’ve already built connections in the niche or industry you’re selling in, so you can leverage those connections.

Choose the Right Products

The products you offer should be carefully curated. You’ll need to balance between high-ranking, high-competition products and low-ranking, low-competition products. Each has benefits and drawbacks. For high-ranking products, you’re going to have a lot of competitors. If you do break through as a seller, those products are going to move fast. On the other hand, low-ranking products are less in demand but give you the potential to become a leading seller of that particular product. These products are still likely to move slower, though.

Bundle Products for Added Value

Build Your Brand

This can benefit you in several ways:

Use Content Marketing

Content marketing is an awesome way to generate organic traffic to your website. This might include articles, eBooks, videos, webinars, and other content. There are several SEO tools available that will help you find the right keywords to target based on your niche and the products you sell. Then, you get to create the content (or outsource it). Content marketing will help you build authority in your niche, add value for your customers, and get found by the people who are interested in the products and services you have to offer. Product popularity Pricing Competition Advertising and promotion