What is a Postmates?

Postmates is a go-to logistics company connecting businesses with customers through goods delivery. With postmates, you can order takeout food, appliances, drugs, and groceries. Postmates customers do orders through the company that connects its drivers with customers. On average, Postmates couriers complete three deliveries in a single shift.

Table of contents

Rely upon on-chain deliveriesChoose the best working timeConsider multiple means of deliveryUnderstand your area of workUse hot spots

Rely on Chain Deliveries

Chain deliveries are a logic that increases the number of orders one can deliver within a day. Postmates drivers have used this tactic to maximize their income.

The company connects the customer and driver when a customer orders an item. Postmates promises a one-hour delivery, but most of the time is used to prepare an order. That’s said, a postmate driver can then grab an order and drop it off where the locations are close.

Chose the Best Working Time

Monday to Friday have been the official business days. There is that particular time when a driver can deliver multiple orders. This time is branded as blitz time. It’s between 10:30 AM- 1:30 PM when most people order groceries and lunch, and 5:30 PM-8:30 PM when most people prepare dinner. Postmates drivers can leverage weekends and holidays when most people are at home and lazy to cook. This ordering frenzy and make extra orders within that time.

Consider Multiple means of delivery

Having multiple means of delivery is a great advantage. As a postmate courier, you can use a scooter or motorcycle. The only limitation would be the nature or weight of the order. Bicycles are allowed too, but in some areas. They can help you drop off an order where the location is close to you, saving the gas.

Understand your Area of Work

Knowing the shortcut routes can help a driver navigate fast which way to drive. It can also help a postmates driver understand what it means to use and minimize the time to drop off the order. With a Smartphone, you can turn on GPS and check those areas with high traffic and avoid them. GPS is designed to mark high-traffic roads and those you can use to navigate your destiny. You can also use the postmates fleet app to see if orders are budding in your working area. You need to set it to auto-accept deliveries during peak hours.

Use Hot Spots

What are hot spots? These are areas where there is a possibility of multiple orders budding. These areas are popular with a high population, finest restaurants, and various other stores. With the help of the postmates fleet app, you can identify an area highlighted in multiple hues, from dark red to orange. The dark shade shows the high number of deliveries, and the light hue means there are few deliveries.

What are the qualifications for a postmates driver?

Being a postmates courier, you must be;

Above 18 years. Hold a valid US driving license with a clean record. It would be best if you had an insurance plan. Own a smartphone and pass an orientation test. Your vehicle must be in good working condition. In some areas, you can use other means of transport like motorcycles, scooters, and bicycles.

Does postmate limit your deliveries?

As a postmates courier, you can deliver anything from takeout food and groceries to appliances as far as you provide within one hour or earlier. However, some rules guide tobacco and liquor delivery. And we should follow them.

What is blitz hour?

We know Blitz hour as a peak hour. It is late morning when customers order groceries, at noon for lunch deliveries, and in the evening for dinner orders.


You can make as many deliveries as you can as a courier. The logic is to stack more orders, increase your pickup, and drop along your route to use the one hour. It can be done if the postmates fleet app is in use and your working area is busy. Other tactics like multiple means of delivery and knowledge about the site will help you dodge the heavy traffic.

How many does a postmates courier make in a shift?

On average, drivers can make $8-$16 depending on the hours.

What is the best time to work as a postmates driver?

The best time is during peak hours and on weekends.