Fleas can survive in a car for a few days, but they will eventually die.

There is no sure way to bomb a car with fleas, as the fleas will try to evasion the attack. However, adding aflea-fighting products to your pet’s food or scratching post may help reduce the number of fleas on your car.

Fleas can live for up to six months without a host.

Yes, fleas can survive in hot cars. They will need to find a place to live that is cool and dark, and they should drink a lot of water to help them survive.

A high concentration of an insecticide.

Yes, fleas can survive in a cold car. They will however, need to be kept warm and sheltered from the cold.

The average lifespan of a flea is 3-4 months.

The temperature that kills flea eggs is typically around 33 degrees Celsius.

Yes, fleas can live in human hair. However, they will generally not cause any problems as long as the hair is kept clean and free of any food or moisture.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Different methods may be used depending on the severity of the infestation and the location of the infestation. Generally, a veterinarian will use an electronic flea collar to track the number of fleas on a pet.

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the individual and their dog’s personality. Some dogs are more prone to fleas than others, so it is important to consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet’s flea problem. Ultimately, it is up to the individual dog to try and rid themselves of the fleas on their own by using a topical treatment or by being proactive about keeping their home clean.

There is no definitive answer to this question as the fleas will likely leave when the pet is no longer around. However, it is always best to keep a close eye on your pet and make sure they are not becoming lost or sick.

The fleas are the worst in the wintertime.

Fleas are most active during the morning and evening hours.

There is no definitive answer to this question as there are many factors that can affect how fleas behave at night. However, some studies have shown that fleas are more active in the morning and in the evening, which may be due to their need for food and shelter during these times.

They hate anything that isn’t a human.

It takes about 3-4 days for the fleas to die from the treatment.

The environment, such as a clean room or dry place, is flea-free.

The average flea egg will live for around 6 to 8 days in carpet.

Flea eggs will last for around 10 days if they are not refrigerated.