Yes, Facebook removed the ticker feature in 2013.

There could be a few reasons why your sidebar has disappeared on Facebook. One possibility is that you’ve customized your News Feed so that it doesn’t show the sidebar. To bring the sidebar back, go to your News Feed preferences and make sure the “Show sidebar” is checked.Another possibility is that the sidebar has been hidden because of an ad blocker you’re using.

To get rid of the Facebook ticker, you can either disable it from your account settings or use a browser extension to hide it.

A ticker box is a small box on Facebook that shows real-time updates about what your friends are doing. It shows their profile pictures and the latest things they’ve shared.

To see your friends’ activity sidebar on Facebook, click on the “Friends” icon in the top menu bar and select “See All” from the drop-down menu. This will open a new page with a list of your friends and their recent activities.

Yes, you can spy on someone’s Facebook Messenger conversations if you have the right tools. There are a number of different apps and services that offer this capability, and most of them are relatively affordable. However, it is important to note that spying on someone’s Facebook Messenger conversations can be illegal in some cases, so be sure to check your local laws before proceeding.

There are a few reasons why you might not be seeing your friends’ posts on Facebook. One possibility is that they have their notifications settings turned off. Another possibility is that they’ve chosen to only share their posts with a select group of people, such as friends or family. Finally, it’s also possible that the posts are getting hidden in your News Feed due to the algorithm Facebook uses to determine what you see.

There isn’t a specific way to see what pictures your boyfriend likes on Facebook 2021, but you can try looking at his profile and checking the albums he’s liked. If he’s made his profile public, you should be able to see all of the photos he’s liked on Facebook.

Yes, you can track someone’s Messenger. Facebook has a feature that allows you to see the activity of people on your account, including the people you’ve blocked. To view this information, go to Settings and click on “Activity Log.

Yes, if you’ve logged into Messenger on your phone with the same Facebook account, then messages will be synced between devices. To prevent this, you can log out of Messenger on other devices or use a separate Facebook account for Messenger.