For law students (and lawyers), the core characters of How To Get Away With Murder do a shocking amount of illegal things! Almost everyone is a killer at this point, and if they aren’t, they’re hacking, lying, stealing, threatening, and generally breaking the law left, right, and center. Of course, that’s the whole point of the series - that these seemingly normal people just get deeper and deeper into a criminal spiral after one terrible night - but it’s getting to the point that it can be hard to keep track of who has done what!

Before the final season wraps up in the spring, we’ve got a little reminder of what, exactly, all the main characters have done so far that they could potentially still go to jail for (and that’s without knowing who is behind the latest murder on the show!).

Frank Delphino: Murder, Harassment, A Whole Lot More Murder

Of all the Keating crew, Frank may be the one who has committed the most crimes over the years - and that shouldn’t be too surprising, because in some ways, it’s his job. Frank acts as an enforcer-style helper to Annalise, which means that he’s been someone to threaten his way into getting information for her - or in the recent case of Nate Sr, to get someone to tell the story they want on the stand. And, of course, he killed Lila on Sam’s orders, as well as a handful of other people who have got in the way, and Bonnie’s father, who he killed in hospital.

Oliver Hampton: Hacking

Compared to the rest of the group’s crimes, Oliver’s are actually surprisingly minor - and he hasn’t even murdered anyone! However, he has proven a more than capable hacker, and has spent a lot of time working for Annalise & Co planting bugs, spy equipment, and hacking into bank accounts, phone records, and more. This hasn’t been low-level work, either, and he could definitely go to jail for it.

Asher Millstone: Murdered Emily Sinclair

Technically, Asher won’t be going to jail at all, because he’s dead - as was revealed in the mid-season finale. However, before his untimely death, he could have gone down for running over Emily Sinclair with his car. He became a murderer after he flew into a rage at how she talked about his father’s death, and just to add to that, we’ve got covering up the crime, and framing someone else for murder (he moved the body and placed the blame on Catherine Hapstall).

Connor Walsh: Desecration Of A Corpse

Like his lovely husband, Connor isn’t actually a murderer (how wholesome!), but he could definitely still go to jail for his work with the Keating crew. As well as being an accessory to murder, helping cover it up, helping to frame others, and getting Oliver to hack for them, Connor was the one who dealt with Sam’s body. After it was burnt, he smashed it into pieces - which makes him thoroughly guilty of the desecration of a corpse, on top of everything else.

Bonnie Winterbottom: Murder (Rebecca & Ronald)

Back to the killers, with Ms Bonnie. Although she may seem sweet and quiet, Bonnie is actually one of the more prolific killers on the show, having murdered two people in (relatively) cold blood. First up came Rebecca, who Bonnie killed to prevent her from telling anyone about the Keating crew.

At this point, they had essentially kidnapped her and held her hostage, and rather than risk her going to the police, Bonnie taped her mouth shut, held a bag over her head, and suffocated her. She’s clearly a fan of suffocation, too, as she also suffocated Ronald Miller, after finding him badly beaten by Nate.

Nate Lahey: Murder & Aggravated Assault

Unlike most of the other killers in this group, Nate’s only true murder was an act of mercy - killing his wife, Nia, who was dying of cancer. Nia actually asked him to kill her, too, which makes this morally very different to most of the other deaths on the show - she was tired of being sick and actually wanted to simply be done with it, but that doesn’t change the fact that what Nate did was illegal.

Also illegal was his beating of Ronald Miller. As mentioned above, Bonnie was the one to actually kill Ronald, but Nate beat him almost to death for his involvement in the death of Nate Sr.

Gabriel Maddox: Murder & Supplying Drugs

Gabriel’s crimes are (surprisingly) not related to the web of lies and intrigue that the rest are a part of. However, that doesn’t mean he’s not a murderer. Gabriel actually killed his mother’s boyfriend, who was an addict, by supplying him with drugs to kill him. He intended to, because he thought (correctly) that his mother would be better off without him - but this crime has allowed him to be manipulated by the FBI, as if he was charged, he would go to prison for murder.

Laurel Castillo: Accessory To Murder

Surprise entry! One of the Keating crew has actually done very little in comparison with the rest of the main characters. Laurel hasn’t killed anyone, and is potentially the least likely of anyone to go to jail. However, that’s not what she’s afraid of. Laurel is terrified of her family (with good reason), and so chose to disappear - which could potentially make her guilty of fraud, assuming that she took a new identity to start again. Even if she didn’t, she’s still an accessory to murder, which certainly counts.

Michaela Pratt: Attempted Murder

In the first season, it looked like Michaela would be the first murderer in the group - but she’s actually one of the few that hasn’t killed anyone. She thought she did, when she pushed Sam over the stairs in the first season, but he actually started moving again, leaving Wes to finish the job by bashing his head in with a statue. Of course, she’s still the accessory that everyone else is, and is far from blameless, but she’s not actually a murderer!

Annalise Keating: Faking Her Own Death

As Annalise has continually pointed out, she’s actually not a murderer. She’s done plenty of things that would be crimes - kidnapping and holding Rebecca, an accessory to all kinds of murders, hiring Frank to do illegal things, hiring Oliver to hack for her, threatening and intimidating people (via Frank, usually), and covering up the various wrongdoings of everyone in her life… but she’s not a killer. However, the creation of a fake identity and the fraud involved in her faking her own death is also a crime, even if the only person she has murdered is herself.