Yes, you can drive cars in H1Z1. However, you’ll likely find that the controls are very different from what you’re used to in other games, so it may take some time to get used to them.

Gazelles are a small animal that can be found in the H1Z1 game. They are fast and have a high jump, making them good for escaping from danger.

There is no definitive answer, but it seems that H1Z1 may have faded away as a popular game.

Yes, as long as you have an active subscription.

There are a few reasons why H1Z1 may have died.

There is no definite answer, but it’s safe to say that H1Z1 will be around for at least another year.

There are no zombies in H1Z1.

Yes, H1Z1 is available on mobile devices.

Yes, you can play H1Z1 on PS5. However, the game may not run as smoothly as it does on other platforms.

H1Z1 is currently capped at 30GB on PC.