How To Get A Blank Page To Type A Letter On My Computer?

In MS Word, if you want to add a blank page, you must first open MS Word and then select new from the menu present on the left. Once done with this, choose a blank document in the template of the gallery, or you could even enter Ctrl+N for opening a new document. The easiest way is to create a desktop shortcut and after selecting this icon a blank page would automatically come up in which you could start typing. 

How to insert blank pages at varying positions?

A user might need to insert a blank page at varying positions according to their requirements. So, there are three conditions where you require to insert a blank page. And, for all three situations, you require the following steps to get success in the insertion of a blank page.

Insertion of a blank page at starting of the document 

The following steps would permit you to insert a blank page in the starting and in the easiest way.

Firstly, you require to open MS Word on your personal computer. After that, you require to open the document and create a new document in which you desire to insert a blank page. Afterward, select the area where you want to insert the blank page, for instance at the starting point. Once done with this, go towards the insert option present above. After that, if you wish to insert a blank page at the start, then make sure to place the cursor at the start of the existing first page.  After that, choose the blank page option from the pages section menu.  Then, tap on a blank page just for inserting it at the start. With these steps, a new blank page would get inserted at the start of the document.

Insertion of a blank page in the middle of the document

The following steps would allow you to insert a blank page in the middle of the document and in the easiest way.

In the first step, open MS Word on your personal computer. after that, you require to open the document and need to make a new document in which you wish to insert the blank page. once done with this, if you wish to insert a blank page in the middle of the document, for instance, if you want to insert a page between page 1 and page 2, then you need to place the cursor accordingly.  After that, you require to scroll the cursor to the end of the previous page where you desire to insert a blank page.  Now, choose the blank page tab from the pages section. After that, ensure to enter a blank page and insert the page in the middle of the document. With the help of these steps, a new blank page gets inserted in the middle of the document.

Insertion of a blank page at end of the document

Here comes the beneficial step that would permit you to insert a blank page at the end of the document and in the easiest way.

Firstly, you are required to open MS Word on your personal computer. After that, you need to open the document and ensure to create a new document in which you desire to insert a blank page. after that, if you desire to insert a blank page at the end of a document, for instance, insert a blank page at the end of the document.  Then, you need to take your cursor towards the end page of the document where you wish to insert a new blank page. Ensure to choose a blank page option under the pages section. Then, click on the blank page and ensure to insert it at the end of the document. A new blank page would get inserted at the end of the document.


So, with the help of these steps, you could easily insert a blank page and could type a letter over it on your computer. You could insert the blank page at any specific place, either in starting, in middle, or at the end of the document. 

Q1) Which tab is used for the insertion of blank pages?

Ans. You are required to tap on the insert tab, and then on the blank page button that is present in the pages group.

Q2) How to insert a blank cover page in Word?

Ans. Firstly, you need to insert a new page in the document, and it would appear before the cursor location. Then, click over the blank page in the pages group of the insert tab.